Apprenant ayant obtenu le plus de points :

Mr. Gaone


Mr. Gaone with 234 points

Drys Beugnies with 196 points

Axelys de Paepe with 183 points

Rayan with 173 points

audrey mossoux with 170 points

ryan erbain with 164 points

Owen Dufour with 162 points

Benoit Pagnieau with 159 points

Théodosis Collin with 158 points

Laona Lenoir with 157 points


ylona de schryver with 50 points

selena lamarre with 50 points

laÏnna El karmoudi with 50 points

Marie Cusse with 50 points

céline leteul with 49 points

Athénaïs Moury with 48 points

guilhem with 47 points

Maxime Degeye with 47 points

shannon Recloux with 47 points

andreas kulawczyk with 46 points


dorian bovery with 20 points

Mara Medisimao with 20 points

Jérôme Boudart with 20 points

Alicia van calster with 20 points

Manu Devaux with 20 points

Tewfik Sahih with 20 points

Yohan Deneubourg with 19 points

belbachir zakaria with 19 points

Audrey Trave with 19 points

Melissa Bali with 19 points

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